A Sprint — Bingeworthy
Bingeworthy, an app to track your viewing on all streaming platforms, write reviews, share recommendations, and connect with others.
Summer 2023 — JRMC 7011E
My Role: For our sprint, myself and six of my classmates were teamed together to go through the Sprint journey for an issue we wanted to fix. Throughout the process, we were tasked with ideating, designing, and prototyping our idea. Once our idea was brought to life, we then started interviewing potential users.
Before starting our process, we selected Jillian Petro as our decider and myself as the facilitator. The job of the decider was to help weigh in on different topics and to have final say in the project. With being the facilitator, it was my job to have all of the information ready for the group when working on the project, as well as, ensuring that all work was completed when deadlines were set.
Overview: When first starting our sprint, all group members joined a Zoom call to discuss possible ideas that we would like to move forward with. Once we all discussed our ideas, we collectively voted to start working on Jillian’s idea for an app that assisted users in tracking views on platforms as well as allowing them to interact with other users of our app. From there, we worked closely to complete a FigJam board that outlined long-term goals, interviews, sketching and prototyping.
The Problem: Jillian wrote to the group, “Streaming Tracking — would love a way to track what I stream from all platforms, write reviews, share with others, movies and tv, and have suggestions for me based on my viewing history.”
The Solution:
On Monday, we started to bring our idea to life. We did this by identifying what our goals were and with that we were tasked with talking with experts to better understand the scope of our app and what we could do to make it usable for everyone.
Some of our questions to our experts were:
- How might we focus the project? How might we pick which avenue to take?
- How might we create a consistent user experience?
- How might we create a community from a loyal user base?
After talking with experts, we then started to identify the main issues we wanted to touch on and a way to find a solution to the problem we found.
After creating a list, we then assigned different issues and platforms to each group member and through this we were able to locate the “pain points” that users might experience when using these platforms.
For Tuesday, we were tasked with finding different platforms that we wanted to pull inspiration from. Once we laid out aspects that we liked, we then moved to Wednesday where we sketched our ideas to later vote on.
When our sketches were complete, all group members sent me, the facilitator, the sketches in order to randomly place them in order to keep the sketches anonymous. From this, we all voted on the pages we liked and wanted to carry on in our prototype.
From our work through the first half of the week, we then had enough to start working on a functional prototype.
Before creating our prototype, our group created a simplified style guide. We all agreed on our color scheme, fonts and logos — which you see throughout the prototype.
On Friday, we conducted user testing. Through this we asked different users their opinions and what they would look for in an app like Bingeworthy.
We received a lot of important feedback from our users and they expressed aspects of our app they liked and disliked as well as aspects from streaming platforms that could be improved. After conducting these interviews, we learned the importance of icons and usability.
Results: While a majority of feedback that we received was positive, there were things that we discussed that could be later improved throughout future ideations of the app. Users that we talked with agreed that this app would be useful to them and would be an important tool if it were to be offered for free in app stores.
Throughout this project, we were all amazed with the process of sprint and the things that we could complete when starting from a simple problem that needed a solution.
Team Snap Sprint video: Check out our sprint presentation here!